Saturday, April 27, 2013

Snow Flakes


     I suppose not all folks over the years have come to a point were their mind observes that having compassion for beings that have no intrinsic reality is not much different than having compassion for snow flakes, each beautiful and unique and each doomed to melt away in the light of the sun. I am there now.

       What can I do for a snow flake, in my great compassion for all sentient beings, in what way could I be of benefit to one. Now vapor, now crystal, now a unique individual, now water and then vapor. Each snow flake remade, but never the same, time and again.

      I see each Flake coming into being only when conditions are just as they need to be, each melting as those conditions change. I sit deeply aware of snow flakes, profoundly moved to help, but when I look at my own body, reach out my hand I just see another melting snow flake.

           So here I sit, deeply aware of snow flakes.

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